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About Jane Salzano LCSW PC

I have entered into the world of psychology and social work because it is my desire to be able to guide someone toward the sunlight after living in the shadows. I have been in this field for fifteen years and find it to be most rewarding.

The most important element of psychotherapy is not about the type of therapy you do, but it is about the alliance that is formed between myself and the person who wishes to work with me to reach their goals.

People come to therapy for a variety of reasons and I can help them discover what has been causing their depression, anxiety, and sometimes anger.  I have worked with substance abuse issues as well as the above.

My Education & Experience

My educational experience at both Stony Brook University and Fordham University in Lincoln Center have helped me reach my goals.

My ability to help my patients express their emotions that have been holding them back from moving forward is a natural gift and cannot be taught.  Feeling comfortable with a therapist is the first step toward effective treatment.  Feeling safe and understood makes therapy a welcoming place to come. 

Walk with me through this new beginning and start to see a journey of exploration and most of all, get a glimpse at happiness that lies in wait for you.  

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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